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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Being a lawyer had better be awesome.-Marshall, HIMYM

Being a lawyer had better be awesome.

I think that is the best way for me to describe my thoughts right now... Every now and then, I wish I had done nursing, or something that I could go to school for and then get a job, regardless of where I lived... But what did I decide to do? Oh yeah, go to school for the ONE lucrative job where I would be confined to one state unless I wanted to bust my butt for ANOTHER bar certification (not to mention the cost!!), it would have been so easy to listen to those people saying, "Don't go to law school..." but NOOOO...I'm stubborn and hard headed and thus, here I am...

Now I know what everyone will say..."just wait until you have your degree", "it'll all be worth it"... however, I've noticed something, everyone telling me this has NOT been to law school...I'm definitely not knocking on the people who are telling me this, I appreciate/NEED the encouragement, just at this point when I feel like I will be paying off debt until I can no longer see to write the check (since I'll be so old), and I would rather be doing ANYTHING other than studying, and I feel like I've lost my sense of self in all of this school garbage, it is just extremely hard for me to believe that one day I'll look back on this law school experience and say, "wow, I'm glad I did that...".  I could be totally wrong, and I hope I am.  I just definitely do not want my life to turn out like the "Cat's in the Cradle" song...I don't want to be a workaholic, and I want to always put my family first because in the long run, money is money and you certainly can't take it with you to the other side!!!

NOW, on a much happier note...

Ben and I went to Augusta, GA this weekend for the Master's Golf Tournament.  We did not actually get to go into Augusta National, but we were surrounded by the atmosphere and most importantly, we got to spend the weekend with Ben's dad :0)  We had a blast, and I actually got into the tournament this year...I was drilling everyone with questions...I don't think my ignorance of golf showed too much except when I asked who the two old guys were who opened the tournament on Thursday (Arnold Palmer & Jack Nicklaus...apparently two VERY famous  Luckily, I think Ben was the only one who heard me ask and he laughed at me quietly...We spent Thursday night through Sunday morning there and we came home early since I had homework to do...blah!!

Ok, well I better wrap this up...Hope y'all enjoyed my rant!!


  1. Hang in there. You'll certainly reap rewards for your efforts once you finish law school! Don't ever regret that. I know how it feels to go through law school. I've been there. What I did was I just put my head down and kept my nose on the things I had to study.

    Alecia Longsworth

  2. Really, you met The Golden Bear and The King? That’s so awesome! Meeting the best golfers of all time is an honor! :)

    Well, I'm with you on that. Some people don't really understand what you're going through, and you can’t help but feel helpless at times. But just pursue it. Don't stop, and aim for your goal. You're the only one who knows your limits and capabilities, so always trust yourself. You can do it! :)

    Jacquelyn Gwin
