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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Long time, no post!

Hey Everyone!!

I know it's been a hot minute since I posted...and for that I apologize as I know that everyone has been sitting on the edge of their seats wondering, "WHAT HAS SARA BEEN UP TO?!"  Well Friends...wait no ya go:

  • I got elected to President in the American Constitution Society at school...I ran unopposed, so whatever...
  • I got the head campus rep position for the bar review company that I work for (Ameribar).
  • Ben and I went to the War Eagle Supper Club to see Splendid Chaos (photos below...)
    • It was super fun!  We went to the A-Day game on Saturday, came home and slept all day and then went to the Supper Club.  It was nice to actually be all night and get home in the wee hours of the morning (i.e. 4 AM!!)
    • I haven't done much of this since starting law school so it was a nice change :0)
  • Ben and I signed a lease for a house that we move into on July 15!!! WOO HOO!!!
    • It is a mile and a half from the stadium, with a GIANT backyard for Ajax (our loveable 85 lb boxer), and has 3 BR and 2 BA.  We LOVE IT and are so excited to move in!!
  • I started studying for finals...YUCK!!
Since my last "venting" post...I have decided to just suck it up...yet again and get through another semester.  So I've started studying for another round of finals and everyday I am reminding more and more about why I don't want to do this crap!!!  But anyways, here I am! :)  

Now, I leave you with photos from Splendid Chaos at the War Eagle Supper Club...ENJOY!




This is the cutest video....pretty much ever...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Being a lawyer had better be awesome.-Marshall, HIMYM

Being a lawyer had better be awesome.

I think that is the best way for me to describe my thoughts right now... Every now and then, I wish I had done nursing, or something that I could go to school for and then get a job, regardless of where I lived... But what did I decide to do? Oh yeah, go to school for the ONE lucrative job where I would be confined to one state unless I wanted to bust my butt for ANOTHER bar certification (not to mention the cost!!), it would have been so easy to listen to those people saying, "Don't go to law school..." but NOOOO...I'm stubborn and hard headed and thus, here I am...

Now I know what everyone will say..."just wait until you have your degree", "it'll all be worth it"... however, I've noticed something, everyone telling me this has NOT been to law school...I'm definitely not knocking on the people who are telling me this, I appreciate/NEED the encouragement, just at this point when I feel like I will be paying off debt until I can no longer see to write the check (since I'll be so old), and I would rather be doing ANYTHING other than studying, and I feel like I've lost my sense of self in all of this school garbage, it is just extremely hard for me to believe that one day I'll look back on this law school experience and say, "wow, I'm glad I did that...".  I could be totally wrong, and I hope I am.  I just definitely do not want my life to turn out like the "Cat's in the Cradle" song...I don't want to be a workaholic, and I want to always put my family first because in the long run, money is money and you certainly can't take it with you to the other side!!!

NOW, on a much happier note...

Ben and I went to Augusta, GA this weekend for the Master's Golf Tournament.  We did not actually get to go into Augusta National, but we were surrounded by the atmosphere and most importantly, we got to spend the weekend with Ben's dad :0)  We had a blast, and I actually got into the tournament this year...I was drilling everyone with questions...I don't think my ignorance of golf showed too much except when I asked who the two old guys were who opened the tournament on Thursday (Arnold Palmer & Jack Nicklaus...apparently two VERY famous  Luckily, I think Ben was the only one who heard me ask and he laughed at me quietly...We spent Thursday night through Sunday morning there and we came home early since I had homework to do...blah!!

Ok, well I better wrap this up...Hope y'all enjoyed my rant!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I just think this warrants its own blog posting...

First's great to see Taylor Hicks again...yet another Birmingham AI champ!!

Second...The reason this song happened on Jimmy Fallon is because they raised $26K in one week (for a charity that I am not sure of right now...)

And finally...Stephen Colbert is awesome...

I hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend!!

AND here is the ORIGINAL "Friday"....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fun Times for the Weekend!

Hey Everyone! (or whoever reads this :0) )

This certainly has been an eventful weekend...more than originally planned, but it was super fun, so it's ok!!

Friday we went to the Auburn vs. Vandy baseball game...We got there around the top of the 6th and let's just say it wasn't pretty...As ya'll know, I am probably one of the single largest Auburn fans in the history of the world, but Vandy has the #1 baseball program in the country...I know why...we left around the top of the 8th when the score was 10-2 (not Auburn) I just can't sit there and watch my Tigers struggle like that, but let me end this topic with an extra large WAR EAGLE!!!  We also got to spend some time with Ben's "kid sister", Taylor.  It was so fun to have her over in Auburn...not to mention any night that is topped off with some Xbox Kinect is a great night, in my book!!  Here is a pic...

Saturday was the Amphibious Warrior Mud Run...It was CRAZY!! Hopefully they will post pictures soon.  I just have to say that I could NOT have finished it without Ben...The entire way, he stayed with me, pulled me through the creek when I couldn't touch the bottom, gave me butt boosts over the walls, and most importantly, he encouraged me the whole way.  I think of that race as a metaphor for our lives together...There were photographers taking pictures, they haven't posted them yet, but as soon as they do, I promise I'll put them up!!

Saturday night was Bret Woods's going away party at the Pickle Barrel.  In case ya'll don't know, the Pickle Barrel (PBC) is a restaurant where Ben (and now myself) has become a regular...The management and much of the staff has become a bit like family to us :0)  Bret is one the managers/cooks and he is moving away so Saturday night was his last shift and we definitely threw down the right way!! Here are a couple of pics from the evening...

A GREAT time was definitely had by all!!!

Today, Ben and I went house hunting...We have been talking about getting a place together for awhile.  I had a list of rentals from one of the realty companies so we finally just drove around Auburn and checked it out....We found a couple of places!  I'm so excited for us to get "our" place, rather than me move in with him or vice versa...We hope to move before the Summer is over :)  

After we did that, we went to the Supper Club for "Strummin' for Strays."  It was a charity event put on by the Macon County Humane Society...This is a great organization and is run strictly on a volunteer/foster basis.  They do not have a shelter so any animal that they get must be fostered.  They pay for everything (food, vet bills, crate, etc)...It is a GREAT cause that Ben and I are hoping to help more with when we get a house with a back yard!!  In the mean time, please check out and help out in any way that you can!

I have off school tomorrow and I hope to get my herb garden planted and then I dunno...maybe do some homework? Haha!!