Hello All!
I'm gonna give this blogging thing a shot...I can't pinpoint a topic that it will address, but as an engaged, second year law student, I've got to have somewhere to "let it all out."!! I hope I can keep up with it because I think it could be fun!
I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time telling you about myself because I'm almost positive that anyone who reads this is either a close friend or a member of my family...bear with me people!
For those of you who don't know me too well...I'm a 2L, engaged to a wonderful man, and have less than a year and a half until I become Mrs. Bragdon!!
Some days I might post recipes, other days it may just be me ranting about something, don't worry readers, I'll keep you on your toes!!
Ok, so the title of my blog, I think describes me perfectly! Not to mention that "fancy" is one of my all time favorite words...apparently when I say it, I especially emphasize the first syllable...
Today I have been super busy! I've gotten my bar application completed for my practice card. Hopefully Alabama will let me practice law...Scary, huh? Ok, well I gotta run! Hope to post again soon...
For now, I will leave you with this little gem...Sorry to my fellow law students...it may be a little depressing...lol